Inada Robo – Luxury massage chair

With cutting-edge features that regular versions simply can’t compete with a premium massage chair, provides the maximum amount of pleasure and relaxation. You can achieve the highest level of leisure with a luxury massage chair that is customized to your needs, including features like voice control and 3D and 4D massage technology.

What Characterizes a “Luxury” Model Massage Chair?

The features, cost and support, are the three primary characteristics that define a premium massage chair.

All top-of-the-line luxury massage chairs will have the following 7 essential features:

  • You may change the intensity for a more customized massage using the 3D or 4D massage technology of the massage rollers.
  • Through the headrest’s speakers, you may listen to music, podcasts, or guided meditation thanks to Bluetooth® connectivity.
  • Calf and Knee Massage Rollers: Unlike luxury versions, which also have rollers and airbags for the calves and knees, most massage chairs just have rollers in the foot rests and back.
  • Heating modules aid in muscular relaxation and better acclimate your body to the advantages of your
  • L Track Design: The rollers on a L Track massage chair move from your neck to your glutes. Some models will even extend all the way to your hamstrings!
  • Remote controls for mobile apps: You can use your smartphone to control your massage by downloading an app.
  • Zero Gravity: Using NASA-inspired technology, zero gravity raises your legs above your heart to give you the sensation of being weightless.

In addition, the Inada Robo luxury massage chair, includes its own variation of features:

  • Strategically positioned airbags in the massage chair also provide compression therapy in addition to the rollers.
  • Air Ionizer: For better oxygen intake, a tiny vent in the headrest purges the air of allergens, irritants, and other particles.
  • Automatic Foot Rest Extension: This adapts the foot rest to your leg length and comfort quickly and automatically.
  • Body scanning: The massage rollers will be made specifically for you to target the pressure points on your body.
  • Reflexology: Foot rest rollers push on your feet’s tops and bottoms.
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